Reducing greenhouse emissions and improving the quality of life for all

Today, more than ever, it is necessary to rethink the present, reflect on its complexity and develop a more
humane and innovative society in order to face the greatest challenges of our time. One of them is
certainly the green transition, and it can only be tackled in an interdisciplinary way.
The framework in which the project operates is that of the New European Bauhaus within the broader
framework of the European Green Deal and is based on the core themes of the Erasmus+ programme
such as: environmental sustainability and inclusion and diversity. The project envisages an intensive
practical training programme bringing together experts from the fields of science and technology, with
the explicit aim of accelerating the acquisition of competences on so-called green skills.
The main objective is to strengthen knowledge on renewable energies and new tools to support the
ecological transition and to translate European policies into local contexts.
Specifically, the project aims to achieve the following specific objectives:
(1) implement knowledge to support ecological transition and circular economy among partners in order
to achieve more inclusive and sustainable cities;
(2) to share innovative and effective alternatives for access to self-produced renewable energy and
domestic energy use and consumption;
(3) promote active citizenship by encouraging dialogue with local institutions.

The main outputs are as follows:
- 1 promotional campaign of the trainings realised;
- 1 promotional campaign of the workshops realised;
- 3 trainings on “Energy Democracy: how citizens can become energy independent”, “Principles of
Renewable Energy Communities”, “Principles of Sustainable Energy Management” developed and
delivered; - 3 national workshops “Local engagement in the green transition” conducted;
- 3 mini-videos on the themes of the 3 transnational events produced and disseminated online;
- 1 campaign promoting the project results carried out.
The results that the project aspires to achieve are: - an increased awareness of energy saving and self-production of clean energy;
- an increased dialogue between citizens and institutions;
- a contribution to the local implementation of European policies on energy efficiency and how to save
energy consumption; - 27 workers/technicians of innovative and effective alternatives of access to self-production of
renewable energy trained; - 30 residents of the affected municipalities with fewer opportunities involved by the workshops;
- 3 local associations involved in the workshops.